

Japan Studies in Classical Antiquity Vol.2

Japan Studies in Classical Antiquity Vol.2

A5判 180ページ 並製
価格:2,200円 (消費税:200円)
ISBN978-4-87698-495-4 C3310


Douglas Cairns,
Form Solon to Sophocles: Intertextuality and Interpretation in Sophocles's Antigone

Yoshinori Sano,
The First Stasimon of Sophocles' Antigone(332-375): Comparison with Texts on Cultural Progress

Masahiro Imai,
Psychological Arguments in the Hippocratic Treatises On the Sacred Disease and Airs, Waters, Place

Asako Kunihara,
Pity and Charis in the Classical Athenian Courts

Teruo Mishima,
Clitophon's Challenge and the Aporia of Socratic protreptic

Hiroyuki Takahashi,
Reconsidering the final scene of the Aeneid

Sven Günther,
Der Fiscus Iudaicus als Forchungskonstrukt

Akihiko Watanabe,
Neo-Latin in 17th Century Japan: Two Epistles from Japanese Seminarians to the Jesuit Superior General (ARSI Jap. Sin.33.75, 78)

Symposium: "Our JASCA"
M. Anzai, Y. Takada, D. Cairns, J. Ahn

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