

Literary Perspectives; American Studies in Sapporo, Japan

Literary Perspectives; American Studies in Sapporo, Japan

A5判 344ページ
価格:7,700円 (消費税:700円)
ISBN978-4-8329-0237-4(4-8329-0237-7) C3098
奥付の初版発行年月:1995年08月 / 発売日:1995年08月下旬




・The Hyphenating of Americaqn Literature. (Norman N. Holland)
・Europe in the 19th Cetury American Minds: The Literary Perspectives. (Everett Carter)
・Regionalism and the Unknown Sea. (Marcus Klein)
・War and American Society: The Literary Response. (Alfred Kazin)
・The Family and Society in Amarican Fiction (Daniel Aaron)
・The New York Idea in Literature (Richard W. B. Lewis)
・American Literature and Anti-Intellectualist Tradition. (Richard Poirier)
・Literature, the Law of Obscenity and United States Constitution. (William R. Taylor)
・An American Tragedy or the Promise of American Life. (Walter Benn Michaels)
・The American Question (Andrew Delbanco)
・Cultural Pluralism and the Education Revolution in American Literature and Amarican Studies. (David W. Noble)
・Modes of Consumption in the Age of Production. (Michael T. Gilmore)
・Emerson's Wild Crab: American Consrevation and Indigenous Growth. (Baarton Levi St. Armand)
・"Electric Reciprocation": The Culture Logic of American Identity. (Alan Trachtenberg)
・From Conversation to Voices to Dark Screen Narration: The American City Novel in the Matrix of Newspapers, Films and Radio. (Philip Fisher)

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