Economic Effects of the Agricultural Policies in Japan
A5判 64ページ
価格:3,300円 (消費税:300円)
ISBN978-4-8329-0241-1(4-8329-0241-5) C3061
奥付の初版発行年月:1991年03月 / 発売日:1991年03月下旬
価格:3,300円 (消費税:300円)
ISBN978-4-8329-0241-1(4-8329-0241-5) C3061
奥付の初版発行年月:1991年03月 / 発売日:1991年03月下旬
Kuroyanagi, Toshio (クロヤナギ トシオ)
Professor of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agriculture
Dean. Graduate School of Environmental Science, Hokkaido University.
Ⅰ Introduction: Problem and Background.
Ⅱ Outline of Agricultural Fiscal Expenditures in Japan.
Ⅲ Model Building and Estimation of Structural Equations.
1. Framework of the Models.
2. Estimation of Structural Equations.
Ⅳ Measurement of Economic Effect shown by the Simtulations.
1. Tests for Goodness of Fit.
2. Understanding the Economic Effect shown by the Simulations.
Ⅴ Conclusions.