Dragonflies of the Japanese Archipelago in Color
価格:66,000円 (消費税:6,000円)
ISBN978-4-8329-0292-3(4-8329-0292-X) C3045
奥付の初版発行年月:2001年05月 / 発売日:2001年05月下旬
Special features of this comprehensive new guidebook are:
①Lists all recorded species of Odonata in Japan, covering 197 species and 17 subspecies of dragonflies and damselflies in detail.
②Contains more than 3,600 color photographs. Color pages show individual specimens and live dragonflies (both adults and larvae) in their habitats.
③Specimen pages present one or two species (with 4-8 or more photographs) per page. Photographic layout includes life-size dorsal and ventral spread-wing, and lateral closed-wing views. Contrasting photographs of male/fimale, teneral/mature, seasonal, and exceptional forms are neatly arranged.
④Photographs displey true-to-life coloration. Outstanding photographs of individual specimens showing actual colors are used exclusively.
⑤Identification is facilitated by a key showing the distinguishing features of each species.
⑥Classification is based upon the world-standard method. Accurate, reliable classification can be accomplished according to the most up-to-date information.