The Future of English Spreading Around the World A Breif History of English Language and Literature
価格:1,760円 (消費税:160円)
ISBN978-4-947553-93-5 C0098
奥付の初版発行年月:2023年03月 / 発売日:2023年04月上旬
If we get a glimpse of the history of England from ancient to medieval times, we will find that it is a history of racial fusion. The country intercepted a new invader, fighting, defeated, and was finally ruled by the invader. The confrontation between the conqueror and the conquered continued, and then the country was invaded by other races again. There was a repetition of ethnic conflict and fusion, although it's the same island country as Japan, which had not been invaded by other races for more than 2000 years. Aside from that being good or bad,in Britain, individualism developed, industry developed, and literature flourished. Being prospered as a nation, England became the center of the British Empire with colonies all over the world. On the other hand, some people mainly living in northern England, got out of the country and headed for North America, eventually founding the United States. America has now become the leading nation of the world, whereas its homeland, England, is now a small country, whose glory as the former British Empire on which the sun never set, has faded. Still, England, the United Kingdom, affects the world, showing its new life-style, its new art,and its unique culture. The UK is driving the world politically, same as the USA. Many of the former colonial countires continue to use English as their official language. English spoken in various parts of the world is changing and developing independently over time, and sometimes it becomes far from the original English. However, nowadays, with the development of the Internet, a wide variety of English spoken in the world is beginning to settle down. In various countries, a number of writers whose novels written in English have won the Nobel Prize in Literature. While absorbing local words that deeply related to the identity of each country, English is steadily evolving as a global language. The essense of the English language is that it is simple and at the same time it can accurately convey complex and diverse content. Its plain expression that it is easy for everyone to understand is welcomed by many non-native speakers. The history of the English language is the history of human progress and it is also the history of the fusion of various racial groups with different values all over the world.
西野 博道(ニシノ ヒロミチ)
東京都出身。早稲田大学卒業、同大学院修士課程修了。専攻は英語英文学。流通経済大学付属柏高等学校教諭を10年間勤めた後、早稲田大学、明治大学、埼玉大学、千葉工業大学、日本体育大学にて英語講読、英会話、ビジネス英語、TOEIC、英語プレゼンテーション等の指導に当たる。早稲田大学では公開講座を年4回7年間にわたり担当。現在、茨城大学、文教大学、東京未来大学、流通経済大学ほか非常勤講師。著書に『イギリスの古城を旅する』(双葉社)『戦略戦術兵器辞典⑤ヨーロッパ城郭編』(共著・学習研究社)『美神を追いて-イギリス・ロマン派の系譜』(共著・音羽書房鶴見書店)『21世紀イギリス文化を知る辞典』(共著・東京書籍)『スコットランド文化事典』(共著・原書房)のほか『埼玉の城址30選』(埼玉新聞社)『江戸城の縄張りをめぐる』(幹書房)『関東の城址を歩く』『英傑を生んだ日本の城址を歩く』(さきたま出版会)『日本の城郭-築城者の野望』『日本の城郭-名将のプライド』(柏書房)など日英城郭研究の成果を踏まえた著書が多数ある。'The History of Japanese Castles with the Perspective of Britain Castles'(流通経済大學論集2021.10)等はネット公開されているので是非ご覧ください。
1. The Celts and the Romans
2. The Anglo-Saxons
3. Old English
4. The Vikings and Beowulf
5. The Norman Conquest
6. Anglo-Norman English-speaking kings
7. Middle English Grammar and Vocabulary
8. Literary works of the Middle Ages
9. Chaucer
10. Modern English
11. Shakespeare
12. The Romantic Age in England
13. Wordsworth
14. Austen and Dickens
15. Charlotte Bronte
16. Conan Doyle and Detective Stories
17. Class Society and Sexuality
18. Cockney
19. Scottish English
20. David Hume
21. Sir Walter Scott
22. Irish English
23. American English
24. Black English
25. Canadian English
26. Australian English
27. New Zealand English
28. English spoken in India
29. English spoken in Singapore
30. English spoken in South Africa