Rational Animals, Irrational Humans
価格:6,600円 (消費税:600円)
ISBN978-4-7664-1615-2 C3045
奥付の初版発行年月:2009年04月 / 発売日:2009年04月上旬
2008年に慶應義塾大学にて行われた国際シンポジウムRational Animals, Irrational Humansに基づく論文集(全英文)。第一部「理論篇」第二部「合理的選択の問題」、第三部「因果性」、第四部「洞察と推論」、第五部「社会認知」と5つの部に分けて19編の論文を掲載。
渡辺茂(Shigeru Watanabe)
アーロン・B・ブライスデル(Aaron P. Blaisdell)
University of California, Los Angeles, United States
ルードヴィッヒ・フーバー(Ludwig Huber)
Department of Neurobiology and Cognition Research, University of Vienna, Austria
アラン・ヤング(Allan Young)
McGill University,Canada
Aaron P. Blaisdell, Ludwig Huber, Allan Young, Shigeru Watanabe
PartI: Theoretical Considerations
1 Degrees of Rationality in Human and Non-Human Animals
Ludwig Huber
2 On Becoming Approximately Rational: The Relational Reinterpretation Hypothesis
Derek C. Penn and Daniel J. Povinelli
3 What Does it Mean to Observe Rationality?: A Philosophical Discussion
Dominique Lestel
4 Mirror Neurons and the Rationality Problem
Allan Young
PartⅡ: Rational Choice
5 Learning about Absent Events in Human Contingency Judgments
Leyre Castro, Edward A. Wasserman and Helena Matute
6 Rational Decisions: The Adaptive Nature of Context-Dependent Choice
Alexandra G. Rosati and Jeffrey R. Stevens
7 Rationality in Animal Behavior: An Illustration Involving Categorization and Associative Learning
Ruth Adam and Esteban Freidin
8 The Concorde Fallacy in Pigeons
Shigeru Watanabe
Part III: Causality
9 The Role of Associative Processes in Spatial, Temporal, and Causal Cognition
Aaron P. Blaisdell
10 Causal Knowledge for Events and Objects in Animals
Amanda Seed and Joseph Call
11 Physical Reasoning in Infancy: Real Objects, Televised Objects and its Relationships between them
Naoko Dan and Kazuo Hiraki
12 Perceptual Logics in a Comparative Perspective: The Case of Amodal Completion
Kazuo Fujita and Tomokazu Ushitani
PartⅣ: Insight and Reasoning
13 Exclusion Performances in Non-Human Animals: From Pigeons to Chimpanzees and back again
Christian Schloegl, Thomas Bugnyar, and Ulrike Aust
14 How to Open the Door to System 2 : Debiasing the Bat and Ball Problem
Sacha Bourgeois-Gironde and Jean-Baptiste Van der Henst
15 Dynamics of Insight Problem-Solving: Its Generative, Redundant, and Interactive Nature
Hiroaki Suzuki
16 A Neural Mechanism Subserving Irrational Inference in Humans and its Possible Precursor in Japanese Monkeys
Yumiko Yamazaki, Akitoshi Ogawa, and Atsushi Iriki
PartⅤ: Social Cognition
17 Bonding, Mentalising and Rationality
Auguste M.P. von Bayern and Nathan J. Emery
18 Gaze-Following in Human and Non-Human Primates: Insights from the Cueing-Paradigm
Christoph Teufel, Dean M. Alexis, Greg Davis and Nicola S. Clayton
19 Impaired Social Cognition in Parkinson’s Disease
Masaru Mimura