

William Smith Clark; A Yankee in Hokkaido

William Smith Clark; A Yankee in Hokkaido

A5判 344ページ
価格:4,620円 (消費税:420円)
ISBN978-4-8329-0247-3(4-8329-0247-4) C3023
奥付の初版発行年月:1996年10月 / 発売日:1996年10月下旬


1978年小会刊行の翻訳図書 『W.S.クラーク−その栄光と挫折』 は,日本人読者には不必要と思われる箇所を除いて出版したものであった.本書は著者のオリジナル原稿を全文収録した英文の決定版であり,クラークのみならず,広く明治日本の精神史に関する必読の資料といえよう.


Maki, John M.(Maki, John M.)

He was born a Japanese-American Nisei in the State of Washington in 1909. He received a doctorate of philosophy in political science from Harvard University in 1948, the first Nisei recipient of a Ph. D. degree from one of the most prestigious universities in the United States. He taught first at the University of Washington, his Alma Mater, and then at the University of Massachusetts.
  In 1976, Professor Maki was granted an honorary LL. D. from Hokkaido University. Seven years later, in 1983, he was awarded the Order of the Sacred Treasure, Third class. He is currently Professor Emeritus, University of Massachusetts at Amherst.
  Dr. Maki completed the manuscipt of this book as early as 1976 and presented it to Hokkaido University at the time of its centennial celebration which took place that same year.



1 The Man and the Families
2 The Making of an Academician
3 The Civil War: An Interlude
4 Massachusetts Agricultural College
5 The Road to Hokkaido
6 Sapporo Agricultural College
7 The Work of Three Men
8 Voyage Home
9 From MAC to the Floating College
10 "Clark

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