

Circumpolar Animism and Shamanism

Circumpolar Animism and Shamanism

山田 孝子:編著, 煎本 孝:編著
B5変 348ページ
価格:19,800円 (消費税:1,800円)
ISBN978-4-8329-0252-7(4-8329-0252-0) C3039
奥付の初版発行年月:1997年12月 / 発売日:1998年01月下旬


アニミズムとは何か,シャマニズムとは何か,さらには相互関係はいかなるものかが,北方ユーラシア,北アメリカ,日本を含む周極地域諸民族の事例に基づいて,理論的 ・実証的に, 文化人類学,生態人類学,認識人類学,先史学,神経生理学など広範囲の視点から探求・解明されている.


山田 孝子(ヤマダ タカコ)

Faculty of Integrated Human Studies, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan.

煎本 孝(イリモト タカシ)

Faculty of Letters, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan.



Part Ⅰ The Ainu and Northern Japan
1 Coexistence with Nature and the "Third Philosophy": Learning form the Spirit of the Ainu. (Toyooka, A. M.)
2 The Ainu Concept of the Soul. (Obayashi, T.)
3 Ainu Shamanism: Oral Tradition, Healing, and Dramas. (Irimoto, T.)
4 Healing Arts of the Itako. (Sasamori, T.)
5 Bear Rituals of the Matagi and the Ainu in Northeastern Japan. (Ikeya, Kazunobu)

Part Ⅱ Northern North America
6 World as Event: Aspects of Chipewyan Ontology. (Smith, D. M.)
7 Non-Directional Time and the Dene Life-Cycle. (Sharp, H. S.)
8 "You Think It's a Stump But That's My Grandfather": Narratives of Transformation in Northern North America. (Ridington, R.)
9 Spiritual Power and Everyday Lives: James Bay Cree Shaking Tent Performers and Their Audiences. (Feit, H. A.)
10 Personal Names, Name Souls, and Social Change Among Canadian Inuit: A Case Study of the Akulivik Inuit. (Kishigami, N.)
11 The Human Hand in Yup'ik Eskimo Iconography and Oral Tradition. (Fienup-Riordan, Ann)

Part Ⅲ Northern Eurasia
12 Twenty-five Ceturies of Stability and Continuity in the Shamanistic and Animistic Beliefs of the Bering Strait Eskimos. (Arutiunov, S. A.)
13 Animistic Mythology and Helping Spirits in Siberian Shamanism. (Hoppal, Mihaly)
14 The Concept of Universe and Spiritual Beings Among Contemporary Yakut Shamans: The Revitalization of Animistic Belief and Shamanic Tradition. (Yamada, T.)
15 Shamanism and Animism: The Values of Nature in the Mind of Northern Peoples. (Pentikainen, Juha)
16 Stone Worship in Mongolian Shamanism. (Nacunbuhe)
17 The Origin of the Cultural Consciousness of Andai. (Suyuge)
18 The Mongolian Perspective on Animal Resources: Analyzing the Ritual of Slaughter. (Konagaya, Yuki)
19 Bugha-Noyon-Babay as an Image of a Mixed Shamanic-Buddhist-Orthodox Christian Tradition Among the Buryats of the Tunka District. (Zhukovskaya, N.)

Part Ⅳ Other Perspectives
20 A Possible Neurophysiological Basis of the Visual Images Seen in Shamanism. (Mikami, A.)
21 Shamanic and Animistic Aspects of African Pygmies' Cultures. (Sawada, M.)
22 The Ecology of the Animisitic Views of the Gidra Papuans. (Ohtsuka, R.)

Part Ⅴ Concluding Remarks
23 An Anthropology of Animism and Shamanism. (Yamada, T.)

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