The Ainu Bear Festival
価格:13,200円 (消費税:1,200円)
ISBN978-4-8329-0368-5 C3039
奥付の初版発行年月:2014年02月 / 発売日:2014年03月中旬
煎本 孝(イリモト タカシ)
Takashi Irimoto, Ph.D. is a Professor Emeritus at Hokkaido University and Chair of the Northern Studies Association of Japan. His publications include Chipewyan Ecology: Group Structure and Caribou Hunting System (National Museum of Ethnology, 1981), The Eternal Cycle: Ecology, Worldview and Ritual of Reindeer Herders of Northern Kamchatka (National Museum of Ethnology, 2004), and his co-ed. books include Circumpolar Religion and Ecology (University of Tokyo Press, 1994), Circumpolar Animism and Shamanism (Hokkaido University Press, 1997), Circumpolar Ethnicity and Identity (National Museum of Ethnology, 2004), Continuity, Symbiosis, and the Mind in Traditional Cultures of Modern Societies (Hokkaido University Press, 2011).
He was awarded the 16th Dr. Kyosuke Kindaichi Memorial Prize (1988) for his studies on a cultural anthropological analysis of historical data on the Ainu of the Saru River region: c.1300-1867 A.D. Bulletin of the Institute for the Study of North Eurasian Cultures, Hokkaido University. His book, Circumpolar Religion and Ecology, won an Award of the Publishers' Association for Cultural Exchange (PACE), Japan (1994). Then, he received an Award for distinguished service from The Anthropological Society of Nippon (2013).
Chapter 1 Ainu Bear Hunting
1. Hunting techniques
2. Hunting activities and their symbolic significance
3. Behavioral strategies for hunting
Chapter 2 Ritual Processes of the Ainu Bear Festival
1. Preparation
2. Ritual slaughter of the bear cub
3. Grand feast
4. Sending-off of the spirit
5. Small feast
6. Confirmation
Chapter 3 Regional Differences in the Bear Festival
1. Regional differences in temporal sequence
2. Regional differences in altar composition
3. Regional differences in altar deities
4. Regional differences in cultural elements
Chapter 4 Significance of the Bear Festival
1. Reciprocity and behavioral strategies for hunting
2. Social ranking and egalitarianism
3. Trade and wealth redistribution
4. The bear festival and original oneness
Chapter 5 Historical Variations in the Bear Festival
1. Period 1: 1599-1798
2. Period 2: 1799-1821
3. Period 3: 1822-1867
4. Period 4: 1868-1912
5. Consideration of historical variations
Chapter 6 Origins and Dynamics of the Bear Festival
1. Phase 1: A ritual for sending off hunted wild bears
2. Phase 2: Commencement of bear cub rearing
3. Phase 3: Establishment of the bear festival
4. Phase 4: Cultural revival
Chapter 7 Revival of the Bear Festival
1. Background to the revival of the bear festival
2. Incentives for revival
3. Conflicts in revival
4. Resolution of conflicts
5. Practice of the bear festival
6. Succession of traditional culture and ethnic symbiosis
Chapter 8 Conclusion and Discussion
1. The dynamic system of the Ainu bear festival
2. The human mind and the human nature
Appendix 1
Appendix 2