Affine Algebraic Geometry
価格:11,000円 (消費税:1,000円)
ISBN978-4-87259-226-9 C3041
奥付の初版発行年月:2008年01月 / 発売日:2008年01月上旬
アフィン代数幾何は代数幾何学の一つの研究分野であり、アメリカ合衆国数学会の Mathematical Reviews では、アフィン幾何学として分類されている。
献呈の辞(Dedication)は 永田雅宜 京都大学名誉教授が執筆。
1] Valuation rings of algebraic function fields in one variable (Teruo Asanuma and Nobuharu Onoda),
[2] On quasihomogeneous curves (Abdallah Assi and Avinash Sathaye),
[3] Birational morphisms C2 → C2 and affine ruled surfaces (Pierrette Cassou-Nogues and Peter Russell, [4] Birational transformations of weighted graphs (Hubert Flenner, Shulim Kaliman and Mikhail Zaidenberg),
[5] Completions of C*-surfaces (Hubert Flenner, Shulim Kaliman and Mikhail Zaidenberg),
[6] The Venereau polynomials relative to C*-fibrations and stable coordinates (Gene Freudenburg), [7] Non-singular affine surfaces with self-maps (Rajendra V. Gurjar and De-Qi Zhang),
[8] AK-invariant of affine domains (Shulim Kaliman and Leonid Makar-Limanov),
[9] On the logarithmic bigenera of some affine surfaces (Hideo Kojima),
[10] On contractible plane curves (Mariusz Koras), [11] Some remarks on Prill's problem (N. Mohan Kumar),
[12] Torus actions and kernels of locally nilpotent derivations with slices (Kayo Masuda),
[13] Recent development in affine algebraic geometry (Masayoshi Miyanishi),
[14] On the signature scheme TTMs (Tzuong-Tsieng Moh),
[15] Topology of affine algebraic surfaces (Anant R. Shastri),
[16] Homology planes which come from line arrangements (Toru Sugie),
[17] A note on Hilbert's Fourteenth Problem for monomial elementary derivations (Ryuji Tanimoto), [18] Alexander duality in Stanley--Reisner rings (Naoki Terai),
[19] Around the cancellation problem (Arno van den Essen),
[20] The Jacobian Conjecture as a problem in combinatorics (David Wright).