

Indonesian Cross-Gender Dancer Didik Nini Thowok

Indonesian Cross-Gender Dancer Didik Nini Thowok

B5変 160ページ 並製
価格:5,940円 (消費税:540円)
ISBN978-4-87259-598-7 C0073
奥付の初版発行年月:2018年02月 / 発売日:2018年03月中旬


本書は、インドネシア・ジャワ島を拠点として世界的に活躍する女形ダンサー、ディディ・ニニ・トウォの芸術活動を取り上げてジェンダー、民族、芸術ジャンルなどのさまざまな境界を脱構築していく軌跡をたどったものである。芸術におけるアイデンティティの多層的なあり方について考察し、多くの写真や映像とともにその魅力に迫る。『性を超えるダンサー ディディ・ニニ・トウォ』(2014年、めこん)の英訳版。


• Introduction
Column 1 Yogyakarta, an Old City in Central Java

1 Crossing the Boundary of Gender: Female-Impersonation in Traditional Dance
1 - 1 Female-Impersonation in Javanese Dance
1 - 2 Femininity and Masculinity
1 - 3 The Body of a Female-Impersonating Dancer
1 - 4 Traditional Dance in Java and Bali

2 In Search of Multiple Identities: Creative Work Dwimuka
2 - 1 Dwimuka Dance
Highlights in the Work Dwimuka
2 - 2 Dwimuka Jepindo
Column 2 The Mask Dance of Cirebon, Java

3 Crossing the Boundary of Ethnic Identity: Creative Work Panca Sari
3 - 1 As an Artist of Chinese Indonesian Descent
Column 3 People of Chinese Descent in Suharto-Governed Indonesia
3 - 2 In Search of Identity
Highlights of Panca Sari

4 From Comedy to Serious Performance: The Creative Work Dewi Sarak Jodag
4 - 1 Comedian
4 - 2 Encountering Japanese Onnagata (Female-Role Players)
4 - 3 Serious Work Dewi Sarak Jodag
Highlights of Dewi Sarak Jodag
Column 4 Javanese Panji Romance

5 As an Indonesian Dancer
5 - 1 As a Chinese Indonesian Artist
5 - 2 Network of Chinese Descendant Communities
5 - 3 The Chinese Temple in Gudo, East Java
5 - 4 Chinese New Year in Yogyakarta

6 The Body of a Female-Impersonating Dancer
6 - 1 Training the Body
6 - 2 Devices for Transformation by Masks: Multiple Expressions of Gender

7 From the Local Community to the World
7 - 1 Teachers
7 - 2 An Artist in a Local Place
7 - 3 Performances in Various Regions of the World

8 As a Manager of a Studio, as a Teacher
8 - 1 Education of Staff
8 - 2 Composition of Works
8 - 3 The Next Generation

9 The 2014 Event REBORN

• Afterword
Aftword: Madoka Fukuoka
Afterword: Hitoshi Furuya

• Appendix DVD
DVD Contents 1 Dance Works of Didik Nini Thowok
DVD Contents 2 Street Walk Yogyakarta
DVD Contents 3 Interview by Madoka Fukuoka(Translation by Marjorie Suanda)

• Bibliography

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