

A longitudinal study of first and second-generation Chinese children’s bilingual proficiencyEmergent Bilinguals and Educational Challenges at Public Schools in Japan

Emergent Bilinguals and Educational Challenges at Public Schools in Japan A longitudinal study of first and second-generation Chinese children’s bilingual proficiency 母語をなくさない日本語教育は可能か

Junko MAJIMA:編著, Kazuko NAKAJIMA:著, Chiho SAKURAI:著, Chengzhi SUN:著, WURIGA:著, Tao YU:著
菊判 136ページ 上製
価格:8,800円 (消費税:800円)
ISBN978-4-87259-742-4 C3037
奥付の初版発行年月:2022年02月 / 発売日:2022年03月中旬


In Japan, where the number of foreign residents is increasing rapidly, how are migrant children whose mother tongue is not Japanese learning their mother tongue and Japanese at school? We call them CLD (Culturally Linguistically Diverse) children (Cummins, 1991).

This book is the result of the first evidence-based, longitudinal eight-year research study in Japan in the field of language education for CLD children, an empirical study of the bilingual acquisition process involving the same group of CLD children with Chinese background over a six-year period.

The book points out some of the difficulties facing Japanese public schools and presents the results of research on the bilingual performances of CLD children throughout the years. We explain the assessment tool developed and used for the research, originally based on the OBC (Oral Proficiency Assessment for Bilingual Children, CAJLE 2000). Later it became part of the DLA (Dialogic Language Assessment, 2014), which was officially developed by a team at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies as a project commissioned by MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology-Japan).

This book supports the transformative pedagogy articulated by Cummins (2016) to see emergent bilingual children as assets of society to cherish and respect, rather than as problems to eliminate.
The readers will also find in the last chapter classroom practices of JSL which would imply the idea of translanguaging (Garcia & Li, 2013).

For those who are interested in this research and would like to read more, the original Japanese version is available: “Bogo o nakusanai nihongo-kyōiku wa kanō ka - teijū nisei-ji no nigengo nōryoku [Is it Possible to Teach Japanese without Losing One’s Mother Tongue: Bilingual proficiency of settled second generation children]” 2019, ISBN: 978-4872596175

The book cover is inspired by the message of Misuzu Kaneko's poem, ‘Everyone is different, everyone is good’.



Junko MAJIMA(マジマジュンコ)

Professor Emerita of Japanese Language Education in the Graduate School of Language and Culture at Osaka University, Japan.

She served as head of the Japanese Language and Culture Section from 2017 to 2021. She is a visiting researcher at the University of Cologne, Germany in 2022. She received her BEd from Kyoto University of Education, Japan, in 1982, and her MEd in 1990 and EdD in foreign language education in 1994 from the University of Georgia, Athens, USA. Her research interests include teaching Japanese as a second language (JSL), JSL teacher education, second language acquisition, bi/plurilingual education, especially of culturally linguistically diverse (CLD) children raised in Japan, and language education policy. She is the editor of Bogo o nakusanai nihongo-kyouiku wa kanouka [Is Teaching Japanese Language Possible without Losing One’s Mother Tongue?] (Osaka University Press, 2019), and Ginou-jisshuusei to nihongo-kyouiku [Technical Interns and Japanese Language Education] (Osaka University Press, 2021).

Kazuko NAKAJIMA(ナカジマカズコ)

Professor Emerita of the Department of East Asian Studies at the University of Toronto. She also taught at Nagoya University of Foreign Studies where she served as director of the Japanese Language Institute.
Her research interests include bilingualism/multilingualism and heritage/minority language education. She has served as principal of the high school division of the Toronto Japanese Language Supplementary School (hoshūkō) till now. She introduced Dr. Jim Cummins and his work promoting bilingual education to Japanese audiences beginning in the 1980s, and has been a leading figure in Japan and abroad in the field of teaching Japanese as a heritage language and bilingual education. She is the founding president of the three associations: the Canadian Association for Japanese Language Education (CAJLE) from 1988 to 1998, the Mother Tongue, Heritage Language, Bilingual Education (MHB) Research Association, Japan from 2003 to 2013, and the Bilingual/Multilingual Child Network (BMCN) since 2016. Her major publications include Bairingaru Kyooiku no Hoohoo [Methodologies of Bilingual Education] (ALC, 1998, 2002, 2016), and Maruchiringaru Kyoiku e no Shootai [An Invitation to Multilingual Education] (Hitsuji Shoboo, 2010). She was awarded the Order of the Sacred Treasure from the Emperor in 2019 for her dedication and contributions to the field.

Chiho SAKURAI(サクライチホ)

Associate Professor of Japanese Language Education in the Graduate School of Language and Culture at Osaka University, Japan. She received her BA and MA from the former Osaka University of Foreign Studies (which merged with Osaka University in 2007) and her PhD from Osaka University in 2013. Her interests are in teaching Japanese as a second language to children, bilingual education, and bilingualism.

Chengzhi SUN(スンチェンジ)

Professor of Japanese Education in the School of Foreign Languages at Dalian University of Technology, China. He received his PhD from Osaka University, Japan, in 2014. His research interests are in teaching Japanese as a second language (JSL), second language acquisition, and Critical Discourse Analysis.


Associate Professor in the College of Foreign Languages at Taiyuan University of Technology, China. She received her BA in 2008, MA in 2010, and PhD in 2013 from Osaka University, Japan. Her interests are in teaching Japanese language and culture, Chinese-Japanese translation, and bilingual education.

Tao YU(ユウタオ)

a teacher at Yao Municipal Elementary School in Osaka Prefecture.
She provides Japanese Language education to foreign children in public elementary
schools. She received her BEd in 2004 and her MEd in 2006 from Osaka University of Education, Japan,. She is interested in the connection between language and the academic abilities of children living in Japan who grow up in a multilingual environment.


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