

A Study of the Pre-War Japanese Consular ReportsJapan's Economic Relations with Africa in a Historical Perspective

Japan's Economic Relations with Africa in a Historical Perspective A Study of the Pre-War Japanese Consular Reports

A5判 158ページ 並製
価格:2,420円 (消費税:220円)
ISBN978-4-87354-712-1 C3030
奥付の初版発行年月:2020年02月 / 発売日:2020年03月上旬



It considers Pre-war Imperial Japan’s economic diplomacy to Colonial Africa from the victory of Sino-Japanese and Russo-Japanese Wars to the Eve of defeat in Asia-Pacific War and gives a view on the position of Independent Africa in the Post- war Japan’s International Relations. It argues that the history of Japan-Africa relations was part of Japanese history and part of African history as well and the Study of both history will extend our understanding of the World history as related with each other
and simultaneously progressing in parallel.


北川 勝彦(キタガワ カツヒコ)

Katsuhiko Kitagawa is Professor Emeritus of Kansai University, and was Professor of Economic History and African Studies.

He took his BA and MA at Kansai University and his PhD at the Graduate University for Advanced Studies in Kanagawa.

In 1999-2000 he was Academic Visitor at University of Kwa Zulu Natal working on South African economic and social history, and Japan’s trade relations with South Africa in the Inter-War Period.

He has written and edited several books on social and economic history in Sub-Saharan Africa, the history of the British Empire and contemporary African political economies.

He was President of the Japan Society for African Studies (JAAS) 2006-2009 and the Japan Association of Private University Libraries (2009-2011).

At Kansai University he was Dean of the Faculty of Economics (2006-2008),and Dean of University Libraries (2009-2012).

He has written and edited many books and articles in both Japanese and English, including Contemporary African Economies : A Changing Continent under Globalization (Co-editorship with Takahashi Motoki, Tokyo, African Development Bank, 2016), History and Culture in Africa (Co-authorship with Kusamitsu Toshio, Tokyo, Education Promotion Society for Open University,2013), “Japanese Competition in the Congo Basin in the 1930s”, in Latham, A.J.H. and Kawakatsu, Heita (eds), Intra-Asian Trade and the World Market, London, Abingdon : Routledge, 2006, “Japan’s economic diplomacy in colonial Africa during the inter-war period”, Latham, A.J.H. and Kawakatsu, Heita (eds), Asia and the History of the International Economy :Essays in Memory of Peter Mathias, London, Routledge, 2018.



List of Map, Figure and Tables
List of Original Articles
Author Profile

1 Introduction
1 Japan, Africa and the International Economy between the Wars
2 Contents of this Book

2 Japanese Consular Reports and Commercial Information of Africa
1 Japanese Consulate and Consular Reporting System
2 Japanese Consular Reports of Africa
3 Pre-War Japan’s Governmental Investigative Reports Regarding Africa
4 Reports from Overseas Business Trainees and Trade Correspondents
5 Reports from Trade Missions dispatched by Local Government

3 Japan's Economic Relations With Africa Between the Wars: An Overview
1 General Trends
2 Opening Shipping Line to Africa

4 Japan's Trade with South Africa
1 Japan's Early Economic Interests in South Africa
2 Japanese Goods in South African Market
3 Japanese Trading Firms in South Africa
4 Trade Issues in South Africa and Japan's Wool buying Strategy

5 Pre-War Japan and South Africa
1 Komahei Furuya and the“Mikado Shokai”
2 Magoichi (Seien) Nunokawa and the Survey of South African Economy
3 Captain Katsue Mori of the Osaka Shosen Kaisha and the two South Africans
4 The Appointment of the Durban Honorary Consul : William Robert Wright
5 Japanese Intellectuals'View to Cecil John Rhodes and the Emerging States
in South Africa

6 Japan's Trade with East Africa
1 Japan's Economic Interests in East Africa
2 Japanese Goods in East African Market
3 East Africa as a Source of Raw Cotton
4 Japanese Trading Firms in East Africa
5 Trade Issues in East Africa

7 Japan's Trade with West Africa
1 Economic Surveys of West Africa by Private Firms : The Osaka Shosen
Kaisha (OSK) and the Yokohama Specie Bank (YSB)
2 Japan's Trade with West Africa
3 Japan and Britain in the West African market

8 Japan's Trade with Central Africa
1 The Commercial Agreement between Japan and Belgium
2 The Congo Basin Treaty : International Framework for Japan's Advance to
Central Africa
3 The Japanese Textiles in Belgian Congo Market
4 The Japan's Diplomatic Move to the Revision of the Congo Basin Treaty

9 Post-War Japan and New Independent Africa in the Late 1950s and the Early
1 Post-War Japan in Asian-African Relations
2 News of Independent Africa in the Leading Japanese Newspapers
3 Japan's Official and Unofficial Mind to Africa : MITI, MOFA and Private
Economic Organization
4 Japanese Intellectuals and Independent Africa

10 Conclusion : Retrospectives on and Prospects for Japanese Policy on Africa
1 Basic Framework of African-Japanese Relations
2 Chronology of African-Japanese Relations during the Cold War Period
3 Africa and Japan in the Post-Cold War Period : TICAD and NEPAD
4 Prospects for African-Japanese Relations in the New Century


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