Kyoto Area Studies on Asia 16
East Asian Economies and New Regionalism
価格:5,060円 (消費税:460円)
ISBN978-4-87698-466-4 C3333
奥付の初版発行年月:2008年02月 / 発売日:2008年02月下旬
ABE Shigeyuki(アベ シゲユキ)
阿部茂行 同志社大学政策学部教授
Bhanupong NIDHIPRABA(ニディプラバ,B.(パヌポン))
List of Figures
List of Boxes
List of Tables
List of Contributors
Shigeyuki Abe and Bhanupong Nidhipraba
1 The New Development Paradigm in East Asia
Mahani Zainal-Abidin
2 The Emergence and Proliferation of FTAs in East Asia
Shujiro Urata
3 ASEAN's Strategy toward an Increasing Asian Integration
Suthiphand Chirathivat
4 ASEAN, China and India: Are They More Competitive or Complementary to Each Other?
Yumiko Okamoto
5 Aging and Productivity Growth for the Japanese Manufacturing Industries
Shandre M. Thangavelu and Shigeyuki Abe
6 Productivity, Technological Progress and Factor Substitution in the Malaysian Manufacturing Sector
Lai Yew Wah
7 Rural Economy in Myanmar at the Crossroads: With Special Reference to Rice Policies
Koichi Fujita
8 Social Safety Nets in Southeast Asia: With Special Reference to Thailand
Srawooth Paitoonpong and Shigeyuki Abe
9 Credit Crunch in East Asia: A Retrospective
Masahiro Enya, Akira Kohsaka and Mervin Pobre
10 Contractionary Devaluation Revisited: Can Appreciation be Expansionary?
Bhanupong Nidhiprabha
11 The Role of the Investment Climate in East Asia: What Really Matters?
Shoko Negishi