Catch-up Industrialization The Trajectory and Prospects of East Asian Economies キャッチアップ型工業化論:アジア経済の軌跡と展望
価格:4,950円 (消費税:450円)
ISBN978-4-87698-741-2 C3033
奥付の初版発行年月:2008年04月 / 発売日:2008年04月下旬
List of Tables
List of Figures
A Note on the Citation of Jpanese and Thai Names
Introduction: What is """"Catch-up Industrialization""""?
Part 1: Perspectives and Methods
Chapter 1. Perspectives: Governments, Markets, and Institutions
Chapter 2. Latecomers, Flying Gees, and Competitive Advantages
Chapter 3. Social Capability for Industrialization and """"Innovative Combination""""
Chapter 4. East Asian Economics: Miracle, Meltdown, and Recovery
Part 2: Ideologies, Policies, Agents, and Institutions
Chapter 5. Developmentalism and """"Developmental Dictatorship""""
Chapter 6. Import Substitution Export Promotion, and Industrial Policy
Chapter 7. The Tripod Structure of Dominant Capital and the Role of Public Enterprise
Chapter 8. The Role of Multinational Corporations and Their Economic Hegemony
Chapter 9. Family Businesses and Corporate Governance
Chapter 10. Technology Transfer and Technology Formation Capacity
Chapter 11. Control and Competition in Labor Markets
Chapter 12. Education System and Qualification-Competitive Societies
Chapter 13. Beyond the Theory of Competitive Advantage of Nations
Author Index
Subject Index